Building an Intentional Web Presence

The steps to crafting a website that truly serves you

Step 1

Intake Form

Before we even pick up a digital "paintbrush," we start with an intake form. Think of this as the blueprint to your future website. This crucial step helps me understand your goals, your target audience, and your overall vision.

Filling out this form is your opportunity to spill all the tea—what you love, what you absolutely don't want, and everything in between. The more details you share, the better equipped I'll be to create a website that feels unmistakably "you."

A screen capture of an intake form used by Lizzy Moffett Designs
Step 2


First, let's get creative! In this "Brand-storming" session, we dive into your brand's soul to discover its colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic. Think of this as laying the foundation for your digital home—deciding what kind of vibe it will give off.

Don't worry if you're not sure about your brand's identity yet; that's what this stage is for! We'll explore together, using mood boards and color swatches to visualize what resonates best with you and your target audience.

Step 3

Build Sitemap

Next up, we'll create your website's roadmap—also known as a sitemap. This is where we outline what pages your site will have and how they'll connect. It's akin to deciding the rooms in your digital house, each serving a unique purpose.

We'll collaborate to ensure the sitemap aligns with your goals, so visitors will have an intuitive, enjoyable journey through your site. A well-planned sitemap is the backbone of effective website navigation.

Step 4

Construct Wireframe

Once we have a roadmap, it's time to sketch out your website's framework. Wireframing is like drawing the architectural plans for your digital home, detailing where everything from text to images will go.

In this phase, we focus on layout and functionality. Your input is invaluable here; after all, it's your vision we're bringing to life. Plus, wireframes are easily adjustable, so changes can be made on the fly.

Step 5

Create Prototype

Now the fun part: seeing it all come together in a clickable prototype! At this stage, you get to walk through your digital home before it's fully built. You'll be able to click through pages, explore layouts, and see how the website feels.

If something doesn't sit right, no worries! Prototypes make it easy to fine-tune details before we move on to full development. This is your final design blueprint, so we want to make sure it's perfect.

Step 6

Develop Website

Last but not least, we roll up our sleeves and start building. This is where your website comes to life, transforming from a prototype into a fully functional digital presence. You'll see your vision manifest, complete with all the bells and whistles.

As we develop, we'll keep you in the loop with updates. By the time we're done, you'll have a stunning website that not only looks great but also performs flawlessly. Welcome to your new digital home!

Screen shot of Thrifty Gent's website, built by Lizzy Moffett Designs
Step 7


Even after your digital home is built, it needs a little upkeep to stay in tip-top shape. Think of this as your website's regular "home maintenance"—updating content, ensuring everything runs smoothly, and making tweaks as needed.

We offer various maintenance plans to suit your needs, ensuring your website remains current and functional. We handle everything from software updates to content revisions, so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.

A mockup of a computer screen showing Lizzy's design work.